There are 4 main steps to setting up your Online Store
1. Set up a Paypal account and configure it in your administration area. More Details.
2. Edit Your Master Products List. The Master Products list is an overall inventory of all items available for sale on your site. It is prefilled with some standard items but it is easy to add your own. More Details.
3. Create and Edit Price Lists. These are custom price list that you can apply to certain galleries or products on your site. You can create your own to suit your needs or edit and use the default Price List. More Details.
4. Apply Pricing. This is the final step needed to enable you to sell through your website. Choose the product or gallery that your want to sell and attach the appropriate Price List. You have the ability to to attach a price list to a particular item, or to an entire gallery. The is also the option to apply a “Get A Quote” button to items or galleries which allows your customer to contact you for more information. Also, you can turn of pricing altogether if you want to show items and galleries that are not for sale. More Details.
5. To help spur sales, you can also create special Package Deals or Coupons to offer to your customers.
6. Track your sales in the orders area