Price Lists

Note: This is step 3 of 4 in the process of setting up your online store. In order to work with Price Lists you must first create a Master Products List (Step 2).

A Price List is used to group together items that will be sold in a particular gallery. For example, you may want to create one Price List for your hand painted portraits and a different Price List for the pictures taken at last weekends football game. When a new Price List is created you will save it with a Price List name. Existing Prices Lists can be copied, edited, and deleted.

Creating a Price List:

To access Price Lists in the Store Manager, in your Redframe Admin:

  1. Click Manage in the Top Menu.
  2. Under Store & Customers, click Create & Manage Your Store to open the Store Manager.
  3. Click on the “Price Lists” tab.
  4. Enter the Name of Your Price List.
  5. Click “Submit“.

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Adding products to a Price List:

Now that your price list has been created, you can add products to the list by clicking ‘add/edit products’.
Rename: Click ‘rename’ to change the name of your pricelist at any time. Each Price List is required to have a unique name.

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Click ‘add/edit products‘ to add or change the items that are stored in this Price List. Prices for your items are also set in this area.


Click ‘copy‘ to copy your Price List and save the copy with a different name.


Click ‘delete‘ to permanently delete a price list that is no longer in use.

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After completing this Price List you have one more step to having your Online Store functioning. The final step (Step 4) is to Apply Pricing to galleries or images.