Create a Global Sidebar

About Sidebars:

The Sidebar is a container that is used to hold your sidebar widgets. Not all Website Designs will use or come pre-loaded with a Sidebar, (ex: Odyssey, Waipio, Element etc)  as the page layouts may not look good with a Sidebar added.  However, you can add a sidebar to any Website Design, if you so choose.

A Global Sidebar  is a Sidebar you create to display the same widgets on ALL pages of your site,  and those widgets you have inserted on the sidebar of your Homepage (or other page) will appear ‘globally’ on ALL page Sidebars which are also set to Global and not using a Custom Sidebar.

To Create a Global Sidebar– From the Real Time Editor navigate to the page you want to add a Global Sidebar  – usually this is the Home page


  1. Click Edit This Page
  2. Click Sidebar sidebar editor (if you have already added or are using a global sidebar currently, you will be taken immediately to the ‘Global Sidebar Widgets area to add/edit existing widgets)
  3.  Click Use Your Global Sidebar – Have a consistent sidebar across your site global sidebar
  4. Choose add AND edit the global sidebar

You will be directed to the Sidebar Widget Editor page where you can add and edit the widgets you want to show/use for your Global Sidebar. global sidebar widget editor

Click Here for more detailed information about Widgets, how to use/add/organize them within your Page Sidebar


NOTE:  To change a global sidebar to a custom sidebar, or change whether the sidebar displays on the left or right of the page as well as the size of the sidebar, you can access the Sidebar Settings in the Manage Your Pages area in your Redframe Admin/Site Editor.

  1. Click Manage
  2. Click Manage Your Pages
  3. Click edit for the page you want to work with
  4. Click Sidebar Settings in the upper right hand corner sidebar settings


For those pages (Contact, Blog, etc) that you want these widgets to appear in the Sidebar, be sure the ‘Sidebar Settings’ is also set to ‘Global’.  Any page in which the sidebar settings are global, the same widgets will appear, and the global widgets can be edited from any page using the global setting.

If you have the Custom setting for any page sidebar, the Custom setting  for that particular page will override a Global setting for all pages