Rename a Gallery

To rename a Gallery, from your Redframe Admin:

  1. In the Redframe Site Editor, navigate to the Gallery you wish to rename, then click the Edit Gallery button in the Menu Bar.
  2. Click Gallery Settings.
  3. Under the Rename area, type the new name for your Gallery into the input field.
  4. Click the Update Name button to apply the change to your Gallery.
  5. Click the red X in the upper right to close the Gallery Settings. Your Gallery will automatically reload with the new name applied.

If you are viewing a Page in the Site Editor, or if you cannot navigate to your Gallery because it is empty (see How do I upload images to an empty gallery?), you can still rename your Gallery in the Redframe Admin by:

  1. Click Manage in the Menu Bar.
  2. Under Images & Galleries, click Manage Your Galleries
  3. Find the Gallery you wish to rename in the Galleries & Folders list, then click the Edit button to the right.


  1. Under the Rename area, type the new name for your Gallery into the input field.
  2. Click the Update Name button to apply the change to your Gallery.