Delete a Page

There are two ways to delete a Page in Redframe: through the Redframe Site Editor, and through Manage Your Pages.

WARNING! Page deletion is immediate and permanent. You cannot restore a Page after it has been deleted.

Via Redframe Site Editor

The Redframe Site Editor is the easiest way to delete non-external active Pages from your website.

  1. Navigate to the Page you want to delete, then click Edit Page in the Top Menu.
  2. Click Delete Page to open the Delete Page Confirmation.
  3. Click Delete this Page to confirm the deletion. Your page and all of its contents will be permanently deleted.

Via Manage Your Pages

Manage Your Pages is the only way to delete external or inactive Pages from your website.

  1. Click Manage in the Top Menu.
  2. Under Pages & Appearance, click Manage Your Pages.
  3. Scroll down to the Page you want to delete, then click the Delete button to the right on the same row to open the Delete Page Confirmation.
  4. Click Delete this Page to confirm the deletion. Your page and all of its contents will be permanently deleted.