Delete a Gallery

There are two ways to delete a Gallery: from the Redframe Site Editor, and from the Manage Your Galleries area.

From Redframe Site Editor

To delete a Gallery using the Redframe Site Editor:

  1. Navigate to the gallery you want to delete, the click Edit Gallery in the Menu Bar.
  2. Click Delete Gallery. You will be prompted to confirm the Gallery deletion.
  3. Click Delete this Gallery to continue with deleting the Gallery. Your Gallery will be removed from your website but will remain inside your Admin for 24 hours with a status of Permanent Deletion Pending. Find out more about Permanent Deletion.

From Manage Your Galleries

To delete a Gallery using Manage Your Galleries, from your Redframe Admin:

  1. Click Manage in the Menu Bar.
  2. Under Images & Galleries, click Manage Your Galleries.


  1. Scroll down until you find the Gallery you want to delete, then click the red X icon to the far right of the Gallery’s row. Your Gallery is now flagged for Permanent Deletion.


About Permanent Deletion

A Gallery that with a status of Permanent Deletion Pending will not longer appear on your website, but it will remain in your Admin for another 24 hours. This is a safeguard in case you delete a Gallery by mistake. During this time, you can always click the Restore button to bring your Gallery back.

After 24 hours, your Gallery will be permanently deleted. This will remove your Gallery from the Admin and remove all of its Images from the database. Once a Gallery has been permanently deleted, neither it nor its Images can be recovered.