Redframe supports the use of special logical operators in the Search Terms to perform advanced search techniques.
The following characters are “special” characters used for logical search operations:
Returns results that match ALL of the search terms combined by the AND operator.
Example: AND fish AND red
Returns: all examples matching both “fish” and “red”
Returns results that matches EITHER of the search terms combined by the OR operator.
Example: fish OR red
Returns: all examples matching both “fish” or “red”
Returns results that DO NOT match the search term after the NOT operator
Example: fish NOT red
Returns: all examples matching “fish” that do not match “red”
Returns the same as the AND operator.
Example: +fish +red
Returns: all examples matching both “fish” and “red”
Returns the same as the NOT operator
Example: fish -red
Returns: all examples matching “fish” that do not match “red”
Exact Phrase
If a keyword contains more than one word, then it is called a phrase. You can add quotes around an exact phrase you want to match.
Example: fish -“red bass”
Returns: all examples matching “fish” that do not match “red bass”
Other Considerations
Searches are NOT case sensitive. A search for “Cars NOT Boats” will return the same results as a “cars not boats” search.
We also recommend that you use alpha numeric characters only in your image keywords. This will insure that the keyword can be easily matched.